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Shalawam family
It's another Mindful Monday. Last week my local fellowship group looked at James 3. Though we might be all familiar with the "unruly tongue," this time, what stood out was James 3: 3-4. The bits in the horse's mouth (v.3) can control the whole body, while in v.4, the smallest part of the ship, the helm, can change a ship's trajectory.

Of course, the verses likened to the size of the tongue and how it indeed can control the body or even your destiny. Typically, we see the effects of a lack of self-control (temperance-1 of the Fruit of the Spirit), hence the reason for the explosion of violence within and outside of our communities. It all starts with an exchange of words, the tongue. In our examples, vs. 3-4, we frequently miss what happens when we maintain control, peace, and Shalom. We can change the trajectory of our course for the better.

So, on a Mindful Monday, let's mind our manners by controlling the tongue, described in v. 6 as a world of iniquity. This is a good step towards edifying the body of Ha'Mashiach. To Israel first, then the Gentiles.

Share an example of how minding your tongue has improved a situation in the playroom, boardroom, or prayer room.

Sis CeeCee