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The parable of the 2 criminals(a parable to share with anyone that might erroneously think the law is done away with, such as xtians): there was once a pair of car thiefs, in trial before the judge. The judge gave them the option to pay back the price of the vehicles they had stolen, plus interest for the price of all the turmoil it had caused in the lives of many, or be sentenced to prison. They both could not afford it however, and just when the prison sentence was about to be passed a man walked in and said that He would pay it all, on one condition... That they never go back to their old ways (go and sin no more). They both agreed and they were pardoned. One of the men, was back before the judge before the month was out, this time however for more than just stealing cars, their was also aggravated assault ( a dog returns to its vomit). A heavier sentence was passed, and this time their was no man that came to offer help. However, The other man realized as soon as He was released the first time that He would need help, as stealing cars was all he never knew, as it was the family business... So he sought the counsel of the man who had payed for His life, promising to work for Him in exchange for any wisdom he had to offer to be a better man. They became like father and son, and the son spread the wisdom to many who were still involved in a life of crime