Shalom Fam!! Many already know about the Medicinal Uses of Calendula (Marigold Flowers), but for those who don't know or for those who want to know more read the below Post to learn about some of the properties and uses of this powerful plant!! After Harvest in years past I made oil and teas, and this year I will try my hand at some Salves for topical use!

Calendula Petals are rich in a natural occurring compounds called Flavonoids (Quercetin&Isorhamnetin)

Calendula Properties: Antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, anticancer, and more

Reduce inflammation (anti-inflammatory)
Prevent blood from clotting too much (anti-thrombogenic)
Have positive effects on blood sugar levels (antidiabetic)
Help fight cancer (anticancer)
Protect the brain (neuroprotective effects)
