It is so wonderful every time Abba allows another sister to join the WhatsApp prayer chat. We are so grateful.

Peace and love to all the sisters that will be on the prayer chat this Thursday at is 9 p.m. We will exchange blessings and greetings about until 9:10, then we will spend time in worship, and depending on the flow of the spirit, about at 9:30 p.m. we will share the scriptures before we wail before our Father making our petitions known. If anyone has suggestions about verses they would like to read, of have read if they don't want to read themselves; that will lead us into prayer, please let me, or Malan Irizarry know in advance. This way either one of us will makes sure we incorporate it into the meeting. Also feel free to share your gifts and talents that night with us as well Whether it's poetry, a song, or even share a lesson you may may have prepared for the prayer chat. Whatever lesson is done before prayer, you are welcomed to do so. Also I am asking if want to lead on a Thursday night. My ultimate goal is to have a difference lead the prayer call each time we meet. If you are interested in leading a Thursday night wail before our AbbaYah,.please let me know ahead of time so that I don't prepare a lesson for the group myself. My beaitiful anointed sisters, I can't stress this enough, I want all of you comfortable and operating in your gifts and talents ehile there is still time. We are all leading ladies in Yah's Kingdom here on Earth. Some Yah has positioned on the front line, and others are in the background supporting the Frontline.
Everyone's voice matters, and suggestions on how we can improve the efficiency of the prayer chats, and online community overall, are always welcome. Each and everyone in the community is a leader in some shape form or fashion. Also, we are all equal, just sisters working towards the same goal. The goal is to please the Father, inherit salvation, and bring our people together so we can all go home. We do acknowledge and show a great deal of respect for the elder sisters among us, but at the end of the day we are all sisters connected in spirit and truth
Date: 8/10/2023
Location: WhatsApp
Time 9 p.m. EDT
If you are not yet with us and would like to be send me a direct message and I will send you the invite link. You can also email me at