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Shalawam Family
It's another Mindful Monday. Today's reading is coming from the Book of Ruth. As a Daughter of Zion, I have heard many times that our sistas cannot come and work together. This is a beautiful story of love, respect, operating in wisdom, and of course sisterhood. In this case, is an elder with a younger damsel. Ruth cleaved to Naomi as a daughter-in-law to t the point she said let Your Elohiym be my Elohiym. APTTMH!. This takes wisdom. In addition; Naomi as an elder definitely led by example. Frequently there are conflicts between mother/daughter-in-law. This should not be as well. Everyone has a role to fulfill, and Daughters of Zion, we need to respect that. Final thought, consider Ruth 2:11-12 when Boaz said to Ruth v.12, "Yah recompense they work, and a full reward be given thee of the God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust." Ruth was a blessing to Naomi when her husband died. Ruth also left her own bloodline to pursue the truth. APTTMH!.
On this Mindful Monday, let's continue with Ruth's traits. She exercised wisdom by pursuing the God of Israel, she held her elder in high regard (her mother-in-law), she was selfless in support of Naomi during and after her husband's death, and she was giving of herself including time and talents. I can go and on, on this beautiful relationship between women.
Sis CeeCee