I believe Yahuah/YaHaWaH is calling us to fast as a nation. I know this is the fall feasting season, but ask yourselves, do you want to keep obseeving feasts as captives in a strange wicked land, or do you want to go home? We can still commemorate the feast days in the weeks to come.
As I was hearing the Ruach Haqadash say it was time to.fast, I spoke about it with my best sister. I told her I was waiting to see if a leader would lead us into a fast, that would be comfirmation for me that I was hearing correctly. As I awoke from my sleep yesterday the Ruach Haqadash told me to begin my fast, and I said, yes, I will. Then I went on YouTube and saw the attached fasting and Prayer invitation posted by MarYah TrumpetsCall, and I knew without a shadow of doubt that it was time for us all to turn down our plates. When we are gathered it will be all of us, so It is high time for us to start functioning as one body. How can we walk together lest we agree? Remember the mighty deliverance from the schemes of Mordecai, our Nation experienced during the time of Queen Esther. The fast caused Yah to favor us and give us favor in the sight of our captors. We want what is owed to us, and we want to go home. Brothers and sisters, I invite you into a time of prayer fasting with the Trumpets Call Family, and Brothers and Sisters Connected In Spirit and Truth prayer group. Pray amd ask the Abba if this is a fast that He is calling you to. It is a 7 day fast that actually began yesterday, but if you are led in your spirit to join today, may the Mosthigh Yah see you and hear your petition to be cleansed, purified, and gathered together with our Nation so we can go home. We can't go home as flithy people wearindg dirty rags, we must was our robes in white. It is now time for repentance as if wearing sackcloth and ashes.
