I was told to share this massage of warning to those with whom I worship. Brothers and Sisters SHEMAH SHEMAH! HEAR AND DO, DO NOT DELAY🙏🏾
The Most High gave me this urgent word this morning. He kept telling me to write quickly and urged me to share with the elders of Yahsharael. Please share as you feel led. Yah bless you.

"I am Yahuah Tsebeoth (his ancient name). I change not. I change not. I change not. I giveth and I taketh away. I restore and I destroy. I spare and I yield justice to those who are under the shadow of my wings. My people. The time has come! The time has come! The time has come! The Passover is here. Listen and heed to my instructions so that you can be spared and saved. For far too long I have sat o my holy mountain and watched with sorrow what the wicked ones have done to my people. I’ve watched and I’ve wept. I’ve wept for you. Hear me! Hear me! Hear me! Judgment is coming swiftly on this nation. Judgment is coming swiftly onto this nation. Judgment is coming swiftly into this nation for the atrocities against my people - Jews and gentiles. Listen, lest you be swept up in the judgment. Hear me and heed the warning. Spread the word quickly to my people. Spread the word quickly to all nations. Put the blood of Yahshua on your doorposts. Put the blood of Yahshua on your doorposts. Put the blood of Yahshua on your doorposts. Do it and don’t delay. Do it with haste. Cover every door in your house with the blood of my son. Don’t doubt my words. Be obedient. If any of you has offense against your brother, release it. If any of you has unrepentance in your heart, repent. For my judgment is coming swiftly to this nation. And those who are not covered under my son’s blood will not be spared. Heed! Heed! Need! For those who have my son’s blood on the doorpost will be saved." Isaiah 30:15 Exodus 12

YAHUAH be praised! May His will be done eternally!!