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Abon d'bshimia ntaquodesh sh'mek -
THIS IS THE DAY... that I will concern myself with only the joys and sorrows that YOU present TODAY and will not be anxious for any trials that may come between now and Your Great Day.

YOU HAVE MADE... me to seek you and find YOU by setting my heart on your WORD, your WILL and your WAY (TORAH).

I WILL REJOICE... and I will give YOU thanks in ALL THINGS, beginning in the Salvation you have wrought in Your Son.

AND BE GLAD IN IT... so that other will see one who trusts in YOU for in joy or sorrow, I pledge to praise YOUR NAME, MarYah!

I will SEEK nearness so as to HEAR you, so that...
I will OBEY your law and your WORD, and by doing...
I will BELIEVE ALL things and HOPE, resulting that...
I will DO WORKS of righteousness and kindness to others, and
I will PRAY without ceasing.
