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Happy Sabbath Family,
Heavenly Father we thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies

We thank you for life, and health, and strength today.

We thank you for the opportunity to once again come together to break bread and to observe your Sabbath.

A day of rest that you have ordained your people to keep perpetually throughout all time.

We ask that you forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have transgressed against us.

We ask that you lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

We ask that you hold not the iniquities of our forefathers against us for they are all gone by the way of the grave and we are still yet here seeking to keep your statues, laws and commandments in Spirit and in truth.

Father, we recognize that you have walk contrary to us and we have walked contrary to you. You have said in your word, that if we acknowledge the sins of our forefathers and that we have sinned against you and accept of the punishment for our sins that you would turn again your eyes and ears unto your people Israel and hear our
supplications and our prayers. Father, we acknowledged our sins against you and we acknowledge and accept of the punishment that you have placed upon your people Israel. We are begging you to come and deliver us from this captivity.

Father we pray for Israel that is asleep that you might wake them and give them an unction to come and keep your statues, laws and commandments.

We pray for Israel that is awake that you might give them a meek and a humble spirit, the spirit of love for you are love.

We pray for the seed of Abraham all that you call in Messiah that they would hear your voice and come and obey your statues, laws, and commandments.

In name of Yeshua Hamashiach I pray....