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Shalawam family
It's another Thankful Thursday. We all remember the story of Jonah giving specific instructions to go and preach in Nineveh, right? Few people know that Nineveh backslid 100 years later, and the prophet Nahum was in charge of bringing the news to the Assyrians.

Well, family, on a Thankful Thursday, we are reminded of the Elohiym we serve when we consider Nahum 1: 2-"Elohiym is jealous, and Yah revengeth, Yah revenge, and is furious; Yah will take vengeance on HIS adversaries, and he reserves wrath for HIS enemies." APPTMH!

You should be taking a few seconds to praise the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as we choose which side we part-take in daily by our very actions or lack of action.

Sis CeeCee