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Feeling Overwhelmed With Emotion
Pouring Out My Heart To The Most High the Spirit gave me this scripture
1 Peter 2:10
You who then were not a people , BUT NOW the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, BUT NOW have obtained mercy.
In my study Yah revealed to me,
I have reversed My earlier verdict against my people ( Hosea 1: 6-1 promising the ULTIMATE RESTORATION OF GOD'S (HIS) PEOPLE,
1. Our relationship to Him ( Elohim)
2. Our relationship to our spouse ( if you do not have one yet and want one then the one God will give you - believe it)
3. Our relationship to family ( Our true family)
4, Our relationship to the Earth God gave us
Tears of Joy and Expectation!!!!
Praise Yah for His Mercy and Grace