If I say I got you and I am in your corner, I mean that. I just want to see my people succeed and be pleaseing to Abba. I choose to stay above the madness and drama cause wide is the road leading to destruction and nartow is the path to righteousness and tjere are few that will find it. When you truly have a heart for Yah to make a decision not to be weary in well doing even when your good is spoken evil of. No one knows your heart loke you and Yah, so take it from me, they will murmur, they will run smear campaign against you but you know why in this you should be even more encouraged? Because they did it to Yahushua HaMashiach and the prophets first, and they were raising the dead and calling fire down from the sky, so think it not strange when they speak ill of you, and dislile you without cause. Keep your head up and keep rising to the top and give Yah all you got, cause ain't no half stepping in the Kingdom.