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I tend to pray and cry a lot for those being hurt in their walk. Am I the only one? Seeing others broken or being wronged makes me ache inside. I have to give it to YAH or it makes me frustrated. It makes me tear up seeing division everywhere. As a young adult, I have to stay strong and let things happen. I have a child-like mind, so when I see these things happening in Yasharal, I cry so much. Even though it shows how Yasharal had wickedness within the house of YAH and in Jerusalem—sorcery, witchcraft, idolatry, fighting, etc.—it's still hard for my brain to wrap around. It’s almost like the scroll of 1 Kings and 2 Kings is being brought to life. You never know what's going on until it’s brought to light. I'm the type of person who will cry and repent just in case, because I fear YAH's judgment. Nothing is too serious that we can't repent and humble ourselves. It's okay to be wrong. But when I see others rise up in pride and cause division, the things I see people say to support that, it shows that it’s time to take a step back. It will happen, and we have to move out of the way, lest we be judged. I want to see everyone come together, Gentiles and Hebrews. I want to see the youth feel okay to be in an assembly without discerning things. It is time for change. And when that change happens, all I know is to stay back and be a watchman in the tower. That is the hardest part, because you are weeping in silence. However, all things that are not of YAH will be brought out to light. Praise YAHUAH, He is in control. YAHUAH is moving. YAHUAH is our King. In conclusion, I now understand that things have to happen. Much love -Yahleah 🌷🦋

P.S. "nothing new is under the sun"- a wise king