When monsters are exposed, they will go above and beyond to trash the exposer. When people have been doing what they do for a long time and submit to famuliar spirits, you are FOOLISH to believe anything they say. When exposed, do you think they will say, "dang, you got me, I worship marine powers through African spirituality"? No! They will fight tooth and nail to make the other party look like the wicked party. The serpents have been slithering for a long time. Do not allow your critical thinking cause you to be beguiled. I know what I have personally seen in the spirit about ministries I once followed and almost joined. Praose Yah, I was spared and never set foot near their places of warship. I also know a witch when I see one. It's not always easy to.dpot it, but soon and very soon, I see her for what she is. Jezzebel was known to wear eye makeup to seduce, Delilah knew how to get Sampson comfortable enough to give him a haircut. I say that to say they have identifiable traits that I pick up on.

The wicked will protect and advocate for the wicked even if they are not directly connected. Its the familiar spirits in them connecting. You are either part of the 2/3 that are getting cut off, the 144, 000 that are or will be sealed, or the remnant left of every kindred, tribe, or tongue that will wash their robes in white. Which side will you be on in the judgment? Remember, the wheats and tares are growing together. They look alike and sometimes sound alike, but they are not alike. There are camps and cults all up and through this so-called Awakening. BE CAUTIOUS ⚠️ SIDE EYE EVERYTHING ⚠️ TRUST NO MAN ⚠️

Trust only Yah and let His Ruach lead and guide you in all truth.

Shalawam Mashpacha,
Get woke, stay woke,
Keep your head on a swivel