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YAH is the epitome and picture of what we know
You told us we need her to resist folly and grow
She is with the aged
And understanding in length of days
With YAH we obtain her and the equivalent is might
Counsel and understanding are imparted in Your sight
YAH said to fear Him is to begin to obtain her worth
Your testimony is sure as it has been evident in Your works
Your Law is perfect for it brings revival to the soul
Of the one who hears, attends, and practices control
She makes wise the simple and justice springs forth from the tongue
She teaches us to number our days while we are yet still young
You have said, O YAH, whomever finds her is blessed
For we obtain favor from You, O YAH, and nothing less
It is pleasure to those that understand and is with the humble
They listen to advice and through Your instruction, they do not stumble
Whoever walks with her becomes her and she never disappoints
From the wound YAH used her to craft us even down to our joints
In our minds we acquire knowledge and our ears seek knowledge
Until You send her from Your Set-Apart place, we are confined in bondage
In a foolish mind she is too high to obtain
Leaning on our own understanding yet never able to gain
You gave her to help us learn to quietly hold back our Spirit
When our desire is to yield to anger and give it full vent
Rod and reproof are for correction and healing
None can provide her like You, ABBA, when it’s time to interpret a thing
We learn to not marvel about the former days
For through understanding we see the vanity in those ways
To You, O YAH of my fathers, I give thanks and praise
No longer am I walking as unwise because of the evils of these last days
You send her to help me make the best use of time and supply what I slack
To the one who is peaceable, gentle, and pure you will not hold her back
With myriads and myriads and the voice of many angels singing in harmony
Honor, Esteem, and Blessing to You, O YAH! Because You are worthy!!..HalleluYAH!!!