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What are yalls thoughts on the DEI Blackout Boycott happening tomorrow and Yasharal wanting to participate? I'm not against it by no means and look forward to not buying tomorrow. As a small action. But I wanted to hear your thoughts on this..it seems a lot of israelites are against it. There are so many schools of thoughts and opinions that it takes observation. I learn every day and I'm growing HalleluYAH. I genuinely don't be knowing. It's like sometimes you think this is right, but then someone comes in with a different POV. Then you are like, "Oh well, I will keep praying on it and move on to something else." If I'm being honest, I'm okay with not knowing everything. I'm grateful actually 🙌🏽, because YAHUAH will lead and guide. But I can feel in my Ruach it's time to start moving or getting prepared for things. So, going back to that question, let's talk about it.