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This blog highlights the benefits of juicing as well as some great juicing recipes courtesy of 1MD Nutrition blog.

During the cold winter it is essential we continue to boost our immune system.  Juicing is one process that allows the nutrients to flow freely throughout the body. Juicing is the process of extracting liquid from fruits and vegetables while separating the pulp. Pulp is the fibrous byproduct leftover after extracting the juice from fresh fruits and vegetables aka pomace. Pulp contains nearly 95% of the fiber of fresh fruits and veggies, as well as up to half the nutrients. During the cold-pressed juicing process, most of the fiber that’s found in pulp is removed. Fiber is known to lower cholesterol, promote heart health, and help regulate the body’s use of sugar. Instead of dumping the pulp, recycle the pulp by freezing it for soups, broths, gravy, pulp snacks, and other recipes. Taking this additional step will allow you to consume not waste the fiber from the pulp, thus boosting one's immunity. 


Below are great juicing recipes from 1MD Nutrition. Since I tried most of the juicie combos below, I added some options for including or excluding ingredients highlighted in red font).  Enjoy!

1. *Sensational Citrus Juice

We all know that vitamin C is a powerhouse when it comes to supporting your immune system. So, let’s load up on delicious vitamin C and create a juice that’s out of this world.

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that help reduce occasional oxidative stress. It can also help support healthy blood pressure and proper iron absorption and promote immune cell activity. This drink also contains vitamins A and B-6, folic acid, and zinc, which help sustain the immune system to fight off seasonal threats.

slices of diferent citrus fruits and juice


2 navel oranges (peeled and sectioned)
1 grapefruit (peeled and sectioned)
4 clementine oranges (peeled and sectioned)
Juice of ½ lemon


Combine all ingredients and put in juicer. Chill or pour over ice.

2. Beet Juice With Zip

The bright red color of beets is pretty irresistible, but some people don’t like the taste. To make the flavor as irresistible as the color, add some zip for a tasty, immune-supporting beet juice you’ll love.

Beets are packed with nutrition from top to bottom. They are a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, iron, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate, potassium, and manganese. The additional ingredients in our recipe give you even more vitamins A, C, and E, iron, and calcium. Support immune and overall health with a glass of beet juice a day.

a beet cut in half and beet juice in a mason jar


1 beet, peeled and chopped
3 medium carrots, cleaned and chopped
1 blood orange, peeled and sectioned (remove any seeds)
½ lemon, peeled and sectioned (remove any seeds)
2-inch section of turmeric root
1-inch section of ginger root

(for glucose control-use more carrots and less beet)


Pass all ingredients through the juicer and drink chilled. If you cannot find the turmeric and ginger fresh in your local produce store, ground spice versions will also work.

3. Strawberry and Mango Juice-(Caribbean Vibe)

If you like to keep your juice simple and just want something fresh and fruity, this drink is fantastic and one that the whole family will enjoy.

Have you heard that the more colorful your foods are, the better? This is true, as the really bright foods, like strawberries and mangos, are packed with nutritional goodness. You’ll get plenty of vitamins A, C, and E, iron, and folate to support your immune system and overall health in this drink.

sliced and cubed strawberries and mango


1 mango (peeled, pitted, chopped)
10 strawberries (greens removed)
1 navel orange (peeled, sectioned
2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons honey


Put all ingredients into your juicer. Serve poured over ice or add ice to create an icy blended drink.

4. Strawberry, Mint, and Kiwi Juice

The flavor and color of a strawberry just lends itself so nicely to juices, so it’s kind of hard to resist. This one includes Greek yogurt to give it a more smoothie-like consistency and to add magnesium and probiotics.

While the fruits in this smoothie give you vitamins A, C, and B-6, magnesium, zinc, and folate, you’ll really appreciate the added benefits that come from the yogurt. Probiotics help support a healthy gut balance, which is at the core of your immune system.

straberry, kiwi and mint smoothie


1 cup strawberries (halved)
2 kiwis (peeled)
5 ⅓ oz. strawberry Greek yogurt
8 fluid ounces orange juice
Mint sprigs (can be used just as garnish or flavor)


Blend all ingredients. If you’re only going to use the mint sprigs for garnish, set them aside until needed. If you want mint in your smoothie, add it to the mix.

5. *Orange, Carrot, and Apple Juice 

This triad of taste is a huge hit across the board, with a sweet and tart finish. It’s a great breakfast, get-up-and-go drink, and it works well with meals and snacks.

This combination of foods gives you vitamins A, B-6, and C in addition to potassium and folic acid. This powerhouse combination of nutrients supports immune, cardiovascular, bone, and muscle health. It also supports normal energy to get you through your day.

carrot, apple and orange juice


2 large carrots (no tops)
1 Granny Smith apple, diced
1 orange, peeled and divided (Optional add grapefruit and a lime for the ultimate boost)


Put all the ingredients into your juicer and let it do its magic.

This healthy orange juice is great as is but can always be tweaked to give it your own personal flair.

6. Green Kale Juice

Green juices are all the rage, mainly because those green ingredients are packed with nutrients. And kale is no exception. Kale is everywhere today, and this dark, leafy green has good reason to crop up in everything from a salad to a smoothie.

Kale is full of nutrients and can help support healthy blood glucose levels, arterial health, and more. It also contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron to give your immune system everything it needs to fight off environmental threats. Our recipe also adds tomatoes and celery for an extra dose of vitamins A, C, magnesium, and potassium.

green kale juice


½ pound fresh kale
4 celery ribs
2 pints cherry tomatoes
2 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice

(for an extra zist, add mint and lime)


Juice the kale, celery, and cherry tomatoes. Once thoroughly juiced and blended, add the lemon juice for a little zip.

7. Go for the Green Juice (Hearty Heart)

Greens are packed with nutrients, which means they’re full of immune-supporting goodies. It is no surprise that we have two green juices on our list. These greens also have a high fiber content, which leaves you feeling full for longer, so you can avoid unhealthy snack foods.

woman making green smoothie


2 stalks celery
4 romaine heart leaves
2 kale leaves
1 cup spinach
1 Granny Smith apple (peeled, cored, and chopped)
½ medium cucumber (chopped)
½ lemon (peeled and quartered)
1 slice ginger

(optional-add green grapes for that sweet tooth)


Add all ingredients to the juicer and juice until smooth.

8. Pumpkin Seed Juice-(Feeling Orange?)

The newest health trend may have arrived in the form of pumpkin seeds. These little treats pack in a lot of protein and other nutrients, so it just seems right to create a juice that makes the most of them.

Pumpkin seeds are one of the highest plant-based sources of protein and essential amino acids. They also are a great source of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B, and E.

pumpkin juice with pumpkin pieces and pumpkin seeds


1 apple (skinned, cored, and sliced)
3 carrots (peeled and chopped)
½ cucumber (chopped)
2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
1 cup non-dairy milk

(optional adda 1/4 teaspoon of tumeric)


Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more milk if you want a thinner consistency.

9. Tomato Juice

Do you have an overflowing tomato garden? Don’t worry about drowning in wonderful garden-ripened tomatoes. Turn that into homemade tomato juice that you can freeze for the whole year. All those tomatoes you had suddenly transforms into a healthy drink for everyone in your family.

Tomatoes are rich in folate, which helps support immune responses. They’re packed with vitamin C and iron, which promote healthy immune cell activity and support the body’s natural healing rate.

This is just a basic recipe to help you transform that lovely crop of tomatoes into juice. You can modify the recipe in any way you see fit to suit your tastes.

a bottle of fresh squeezes tomato juice


3-4 lbs. ripe tomatoes, cored and chopped
1 ¼ cup chopped celery with leaves
⅓ cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper

(optional-add mint for that extra zest)


Put all ingredients into a large saucepan and let simmer about a half an hour. Then strain through a sieve to separate solids. Cool and drink, or cool and freeze for later.

10. Watermelon Juice

This simple recipe is easy to make and doesn’t need anything fancy to taste great.

Did you know that watermelon juice supports the body’s natural healing rate? It’s the amino acid, L-citrulline that is believed to be the secret behind why watermelon is so beneficial for immune and muscle health. You also get plenty of vitamins A and C, magnesium, and zinc.

watermelon juice with watermelon pieces


1 medium watermelon (remove seeds and chop into cubes)
1 tablespoon mint leaves

(optional add almond or oat milk to change from juice to smoothie, without mint)


In a blender, mix the watermelon and mint leaves until well blended. Serve chilled over ice, or add ice to the blender to create a smoothie.


To get the most from your juice, leave as much pulp as possible so you don’t miss out on the dietary fiber it contains or recycle the pulp for your hearty soups, snacks, and gravy. What is your favorite juice? Comment below. Personally, am a citrus nut.

Happy juicing.  The More you Know, the More you Grow!

#Health=Weatlhy #TheMoreYouKnowTheMoreYouGrow


Sis CeeCee

Duane Harris 2 yrs

This looks and sounds very good. Should we be concerned about sugar and serving size? One thing I have seen from people is they beat down 24oz smoothies! What do you recommend for a serving size in ounces?