Understanding SEO: The Rise of Hebrew Connect & Hebrew Connect TV

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This is a short article about the importance of understanding Search Engine Optimization for the growth of Hebrew Connect and Hebrew Connect TV, but in all honesty you can apply this advice to any social media platform.

Shalom, my Hebrew Connect family! 


So we finally have our own social media platforms, thanks to the magnificent Most High Yah, and thanks to our brother Duane Harris and his team. 


But how can we ensure that our platforms rise to the next level? 


The answer to that question is simple; upload valuable content that is created with Search Engine Optimization in mind. 


So what is Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO? 


Let me explain... 


Imagine the World Wide Web as an actual spider's web covering the entire earth. Then imagine that every little creature that is caught in this web is a piece of valuable knowledge that solves problems that people encounter in their day-to-day lives. 


These people that I am referring to, you and I included, are constantly searching the internet for solutions to problems. 


Every search entry contains keywords, and all keywords trigger the search engine algorithm, which improves the visibility of a website in search engine results. 


Understanding this fact is the key ingredient to expanding the reach of Hebrew Connect and Hebrew Connect TV globally. 


If we are able to achieve this goal, our platforms will begin to appear as reputable websites in Google search results when individuals are searching for valuable information. 


Which leads me to my next point.... 


If we want Hebrew Connect and Hebrew Connect TV to become one of the best social media platforms, then we have to start creating marketable content that people actually search for on the internet. 


So here is what I want you to do if you are serious about helping our platforms achieve greatness. 


Start visualizing Hebrew Connect and Hebrew Connect TV like a brick-and-mortar business model. And start highlighting the skills that you possess that are actually marketable. 


Why is this important? 


This is important because businesses that have nothing substantial to offer often fail. So we need to make sure that we have valuable products and services to offer, so our platforms don't fail due to low website traffic. 


That being said, the skills that you choose to highlight must be skills that produce items of value. And these skills need to be skills that are outside the realm of entertainment. 


For example, focus on skills like sewing and leather working; blacksmithing, woodworking, masonry, or pottery; agricultural, diet, self-improvement; financial advice, coding, or even create E-Books that are compiled with knowledge that you have gained on a particular topic. 


These are the type of things that will make it possible for our platforms, and our individual businesses, to gain a tremendous amount exposure, because those are the type of topics that are frequently searched for on the internet. 


And just like a physical store, if our platforms don't offer things that are in demand, then people will search elsewhere, on other social media platforms, for what they need. 


Give them a reason to stay, show them what the TRUE Isrealites are capable of in a sophisticated way that will add value to the lives of people universally. 




Now that you have a basic understanding of Search Engine Optimization, it is time to start creating content. 


But before you publish your content, it is absolutely crucial that you make sure that the thumbnail is good, the title is well written, the tags are relevant to the subject, the description clearly explains the subject, and that said content is labeled under the correct category. 


If you follow my advice, you will be able to utilize Search Engine Optimization, in a way that transforms Hebrew Connect and Hebrew Connect TV, into a social media powerhouse that is monumental. 

