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19 w - Translate

To praise and worship YAHUAH Elohiym is keeping his commands, which includes honoring the temple he has given. Let's be healed; let's be whole. #blessedlife #healthandhealing #holistic 🕊️ PRAISE THE MOST HIGH YAH!


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PRAISE YAH! Yashar'el, lift the praises up!
#singhispraises #yahuah #yahusha ❤️

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Trust Tuesday Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that YAHUAH is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Trust The Most High YAHUAH to provide.
Black Owned Business
The Listening Tree
Much Love Majxsty

19 w - Translate

Thoughts Of A Kingdom Citizen: Earth Needs Heaven
Thoughts Of A Kingdom Citizen out now!

Click here to order your copy today!

AtsamYah shared a post  
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Coloring page for a youngin. 🌸


Coloring page for a youngin. 🌸

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"I wasted too much of my days living selfish and crazed, expecting all your blessings yet was void of praise. You could've blazed me, paid me, for all of my wrongs, yet you set me apart and then you called me your own." #yahsmercy 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾 #theturningpoint >

The Turning Point (Rise Up) - YadahYah

The Turning Point (Rise Up) - YadahYah

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of Elohiym, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohiym, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye
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Recently, I was watching a documentary and I heard this quote. The gentleman who was the subject of the documentary expressed he experienced many hardships in his life because of his mindset and lack of self-worth. Though he had, what he and most would consider a good upbringing, he still found himself homeless, in and out of jail, and lost. It wasn't until he began helping those who were facing the same struggles he endured, that the trajectory of his life changed for the better. He said it was this question that was asked to him, which sparked something in him. Now, he advocates for the poor and needy; for the people most of the world does not see.

I said all that to say: ABBA YAH's good plans for us does not change we do. We rebel against THE MOST HIGH's will; we veer off the path he set for us. But, if we repent (humble ourselves) and accept YAH's will, every bit of our story–the good, the bad, the ugly–can be used for his glory. And, in doing so, we can experience true joy and fulfillment by doing ABBA YAHUAH's will by giving our gifts back to him. Your self-worth will no longer be dim living for YAH and giving your gifts back to him.

With that being said >>> let us no longer prostitute the gifts YAH has given, instead give those gifts back to YAHUAH our ELOHIYM! Live a life of praise and worship! #yahudah Let us praise YAH's name!


20 w - Translate


Time to Praise - YadahYah

Time to Praise - YadahYah

⁣But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in ruach and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. Elohiym is that Ruach: and they that worship him must worship him in Ru