National Training Council - Marshall Islands | #national training council
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National Training Council - Marshall Islands | #national training council
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The Truth About “Sustainable” Cities
They call it progress. They call it clean energy. But what they don’t tell you is that modern cities are being built with materials that poison the land, water, and people.
Industrial “sustainability” is a lie. Solar panels, electric vehicles, and modern buildings are promoted as ‘green’ solutions, yet they rely on toxic chemicals and heavy metals—cadmium, lithium, lead, PFAS, and synthetic plastics—all of which have been linked to cancer, birth defects, reproductive harm, and environmental devastation.
These so-called ‘eco-friendly’ projects are not designed to free us—they are designed to make us dependent on foreign technology, foreign loans, and foreign industries. What happens when Africa’s land is used for mining lithium and cobalt to power Western electric vehicles? What happens when our rivers and soil are contaminated by industrial waste from these ‘clean’ energy projects? What happens when our homes, built with synthetic materials, make us sick?
A system that destroys nature cannot be called sustainable.
True sustainability is not found in industrial expansion—it is found in self-sufficiency, natural living, and sovereignty over our land. Africa must reject deceptive greenwashing campaigns and define its own path—one based on non-toxic materials, decentralized energy, and respect for the earth.
The United Continent of Africa (UCA) stands for a future free from industrial deception. We will not allow foreign industries to define sustainability for us. We will not allow Africa to become a dumping ground for toxic 'clean energy' projects. We will build with natural materials, protect our ecosystems, and create a future that does not rely on industries that poison our people.
The world is moving toward a future of industrial dependence. Africa must move in the opposite direction—toward freedom, self-reliance, and true sustainability.
The question is: Will we break free, or will we be deceived once again?
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