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Shabbat Shalom Family,
If you are in the Charlotte area, don't forget to join our Youth today at 12pm as they host Shabbat Gathering at the local assembly! Located at 711 Main St SW Concord NC. We will also be streaming live via YouTube! We can't wait to gather with you!

Melinda Staton changed his profile picture
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Glory to Abba Yah for waking us up when He did. Could you imagine still being in paganism or living apart from the Father at this point in time? All I can say is Tawadah Rabah YaHaWaHa 🙌🏾🧎🏾‍♀️😁

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🤍 🤍

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MISHLĔ 4: 1-6

4 Children, Listen to the discipline
of a father and give attention
to know understanding;
2 For I gave you good instruction:
Do not forsake my Torah.
3 For I was my father’s son,
Tender and the only one
in the eyes of my mother,
4 Then he taught me and said to me,
“Let your heart hold fast my words;
Guard my commands and live.
5“Get wisdom! Get understanding!
Do not forget and do not turn away
From the words of my mouth.

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MISHLĔ 3: 1-10
3 My son, do not forget my Torah,
And let your heart
watch over my commands;
2 For length of days and long life
And peace they add to you.
3 Let not kindness and truth
forsake you,
Bind them around your neck and
write them on the tablet of your heart,
4Thus finding favour and good insight
In the eyes of Elohim and man.
5Trust in HWHY with all your heart,
Lean not on your own understanding;
6Know Him in all your ways,
And He makes all your paths straight.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear HWHY and turn away from evil.
8It is healing to your navel,
And moistening to your bones.
9Esteem HWHY with your goods and
the first fruits of all your increase;
10Then your storehouses
shall be filled with plenty
and your vats overflow with new wine.

Abba Yah is worthy to be praised, exalted, honored, and respected. Repent for the idolatry of our ancestors, and of our idolatry today. Sometimes we need to take a step back and say hey, I am listening to the servants more than I listening to the one we should all be serving. I am learning to beware of people that spend huge amounts of time doing documentaries, or videos exposing others, or warning you about others, calling people witches, warlocks, sellouts, or other negative things. Beware of the evil tongue masked as a word to the wise, because it is a flat out slander campaign. There are many wolves among us pretending to be sheep. But if you only spot them because a sister or brother said so, then you have more to worry about than a little bit . The people that let you love on them but then turn around and say others that are wrong because they receive love from people are dangerous and hypocritical. Every thing we do should be a labor of love. This means we can both give love and receive love. We are supposed to love on one another and correct one another. The word says open rebuke is necessary, but before you go the route of open rebuke, you are supposed to go directly to the person you have concerns about in private. Isn't that what the word says? How we deal with our enemies aka the body snatchers and identity thieves is one thing, but full on assult and slander of people that say they are serving the Mosthigh just like YOU, in my opinion is equivalent to blasphemy if in fact that person is truly sent.

‭1 Corinthians 4:5 KJV‬
[5] Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Most High Yah come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of Yah.

I have also come to realize that finger pointers are great deflectors. The very thing they accuse others of doing is the very thing they themselves are guilty of.

I have sent out emails, admonishing and warning some of our well know content creators about some things I have noticed that do not show the love of Yah in their videos, but I guess my channel too small so they pay me no mind 😂 but at least I have made attempts 💁🏾‍♀️

The one thing you will never hear me do on this channel is slander name call and flat out slander fellow laborer. We all are trying to do our best to serve Yah in spirit and truth, or at least that is what we should be doing, if we know what's best for us. Who am I to say Yah isn't really dealing with a person or speaking to a person because they don't look or sound like I think they should??

Shame on some of us for how we use our platforms and influence to slander and bad mouth others. And shame on some of us for eating it up, and joing the slander party; me included. It's like a modern day witch hunt instead of Kingdom seeking. I have been convicted and now I can whole heartedly say, we need to STOP IT!

In these days we are in our focus needs to be on the goodness of Yah, His laws, statues, and commandments. The time we spend calling people out, or pointing out other people's short comings, or ulterior motives is time we are not spending in the truth and presence of Yah. We know we are to trust NO MAN/ WOMAN, and we also know we are to pray for discernment. So let discernment have it's way. Instead of spending time smearing, exposing, or bashing, spend that time edifying, praising, worshipping, and praying. Becareful not to make idols out of these YouTube content creators. You will be starstruck before you know it. You will form opinions about people, places, or things just because channel host said so.

Personally, I will not even spend much more time making these types of posts, but today it was necessary. So let them with eyes to see read and take heed. Salam alahakeim, peace and love family.

We all want to hear " Job well done' from our Father. We may have many battles and stumbling block along the way during our acts of service to Yah and and our people. I encourage you to praise Yah for it all. Praise Him for the yes and praise Him for the no! praise Yah for the stop, and praise Yah for the go. Submit every part of your life to Yah, and trust Him. Never mistake your desire to do something as Yah's will for you to do something. Even good intentions done according to own own will and not commissioned by Yah can be seen as self-willed sin. Please seek the will of Yah in all things and He will accept your service with a job well done

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