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Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, enter into your chambers, and shut your doors about you:
hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
For, behold, Yahuah comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:
the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

1Clem 50:3
For it is written; Enter into the closet for a very little while until Mine anger and Mine wrath shall pass away, and I will remember a good day and will raise you from your tombs.

If I say I got you and I am in your corner, I mean that. I just want to see my people succeed and be pleaseing to Abba. I choose to stay above the madness and drama cause wide is the road leading to destruction and nartow is the path to righteousness and tjere are few that will find it. When you truly have a heart for Yah to make a decision not to be weary in well doing even when your good is spoken evil of. No one knows your heart loke you and Yah, so take it from me, they will murmur, they will run smear campaign against you but you know why in this you should be even more encouraged? Because they did it to Yahushua HaMashiach and the prophets first, and they were raising the dead and calling fire down from the sky, so think it not strange when they speak ill of you, and dislile you without cause. Keep your head up and keep rising to the top and give Yah all you got, cause ain't no half stepping in the Kingdom.

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TRULY my soul waits upon Elohiym: from Him comes my Yeshu`ah.
He only is my Rock and my Yeshu`ah; He is my defence;
I shall not be greatly moved.
Psalm 62:1-2
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And Aca cried unto EL-Yahuah Elohayu, and said, Yahuah, it is nothing with you to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power:
help us,
O Yahuah Elohaynu; for we rest on you, and in your name we go against this multitude.
O Yahuah, you are our Elohiym; let not man prevail against you.
2 Chronicles 14:11

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Wellness Wednesdays
Much Love Majxsty

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"My children know the signs of My promises - they also come as CURSES for those who are NOT My children."

Some WILL deny - but the TRUTH draws nigh... ~KD 

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