I'm excited to be here with you all and on this journey! I'm calling this sojourner in TRUTH because thus far my journey is just that. Many of us are in similar situations and I pray that this is a resource to be able to share, learn from the most high YAH first and foremost th

I'm starting my first post with a bang so to speak, again because somebody may be dealing with the same thing. I have been officially homeless for a month as of yesterday and definitely is challenging but I know this journey is necessary for me. One thing that is completely evident is the wickedness of our Babylonian captivity. 

One thing that is necessary that I pray that this blog will help with is erasing the stigma related to homelessness. It's not How many people think, especially after the pandemic. I've encountered people from different walks of life with different stories and perception is definitely not reality in many cases. I pray this is a berakah to all who would be coming through here! May Abba YAH be esteemed in it all!
