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Part 3
“He who acquires a wife gets his best possession, a helper fit for him and a pillar of support. Where there is no fence, the property will be plundered; and where there is no wife, a man will become a fugitive and a wanderer.”
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 36:29-30 NRSV-CI
Other reflective thoughts on “Submission” are:
Yahusha is coming back for a spotless and blameless bride ( Rev 19:7, Ephesians 5:27).
If this is the case, how can Yahusha’s bride become spotless and blameless without submission?
How can we as a nation begin to respect and understand the honorable processes of marriage, children, ministry, community etc. without submission?
Without putting Yahuah first, we won't be able to function properly due to an improper understanding.
An improper understanding will nullify the process of bringing glory to Yah in all that we do and say.
Submission needs to be functional in every aspect of our lives as a nation of people who are supposed to be set-apart to Yahuah.
Unfortunately, some people think they have or are operating in submission. However, without using Torah to define Submission their understanding will be tainted.
Submit to one another??
This is another key aspect of Submission. Ephesians 5:21 in the King James Version says, “submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of Yah.”
Well, you gotta agree to one truth to do that because you're submitting to Yah through the other person who speaks from HIS word because Yah's living word (Yahusha) is the only place true order comes from. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV
So you gotta give each other something real to submit to, otherwise it becomes about your will and "dems be fightin' words"..... bringing on the discord and dysfunction, helping people be offensive and flakey with limited commitment.
Without Submission to Yahuah/Yahusha first we wont be able to utilize the function of submission in all other functions of life for Yahs glory. To protect the seed to reclaim the throne…ect…submission has to be everywhere.
One definition, but how we structure ourselves in relationship dictate various meanings and we think it trumps whats been established already. We need Torah.
Like Moreh Duane be asking us: can we be obedient?
Yah says “if you love me…You will Keep my commandments”
All praises to The Most High Yahuah who blesses and strengthens his people Israel. Love you fam, may this be an encouragement to you
Much love,
Lisa E
Part 2
I’ve been bearing witness to this truth through studying, praying, reading and practical application. In reading, I was captured by one of Lyar’ah’s examples and definition of submission in her book. This definition is edifying and I wanted to share …
" ... ‘Submission is the ability to receive a word and position yourself to be moved towards the accomplished goal of that word’. This definition is very direct and leaves no wiggle room for assumptions. In submission there is an aim. Who speaks pointless commands? Their intent of speaking is to get a response based on action. Even the adversary has an aim when he speaks lies. His deceitful words are aimed to move the righteous out of the will of the Most High. Yahuah's aim is eternal life for his creation. One must determine who they are receiving words from and where are these words aiming them. A righteous husband speaks commands that point all under his authority towards righteousness. When he is teaching or correcting his goal is to produce righteousness. The wife and children who are on the receiving end of his commands must respond to these commands with understanding knowing that they are for their good. The order of Yahuah is giving for the perfection of the family. When submission is being performed effectively in a home, Shalum dwells. On the other hand, when it is disturbed, there is confusion. Disturbance usually happens when there is a lack of communication, misunderstanding of what's being spoken or plain old rebellion. If one can identify which it is, then it is easy to come up with a solution to restore order."
Book: Submission is Her Posture:Restoring the Ashah of Yah p. 34 & 35_ by Lyar'ah Yaskah
Several thoughts stirred me as I read this definition.
One thought stemmed from Proverbs 18:22
- How can a man choose wisely?
Without submission to Yah, a man won't truly understand what he is looking at and what he is looking for. This lack of understanding would result in him choosing an agenda of his own deceptive and self seeking flesh. This choice might seem or feel right to the unwise man but ultimately isn't.
-How can a woman receive and multiply rightfully?
Without submission she wont understand what is and is not ok to receive and multiply. She wont understand what and who she is building for. Without submission she would end up building for the adversary and multiplying the enemy.This choice might seem or feel right to the unwise man but ultimately isn't.
…”A woman shall compass a man” - jeremiah 31:22
Read part 3
Just being pensive family....raw thought so if you have correction for me I'm open. Let me know what you think.
Part 1
I had a good conversation with my brother last night about “Submission”. We were just rappin'. No issues! Just talking about how many of our people are triggered by the word or thought of “Submission”. I reckon that the reaction is most likely from all of the trauma we have faced as a people. This is a deep and complex subject matter; so I digress ....
Now back to the word “submission”. I was explaining to my brother that some people get extremely offended, the word is very off putting.. I find that a lot of offenses are rooted in incorrect definitions. Definitions that have either been defined by the world or our personal fantasies. These incorrect definitions can become a hindrance to our growth and understanding as a nation by perpetuating negative fallacies.
These inaccurate belief systems loopback ties to a world without Torah. Our incorrect understanding stems from the babylonian system we were brought up in. A system that has perpetuated confusion through its unsound instruction, advice and examples. This warped understanding usually results in tension when trying to discuss and share with a brother or sister.
However, I want to share the importance of understanding the meaning of “Submission”. We have to let Yahuah define His own terms and trust it. Learning how to have a Hebraic understanding will allow us to experience the sword Yahusha brings. As the word made flesh, Yahusha can properly cut you off from the wickedly tailored perception and inherited lie of submission. This understanding equates to a changed perspective which equals a changed trajectory.
Read part 2 and part 3