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Lift the Praises Up - YadahYah

Lift the Praises Up - YadahYah

⁣I will praise you, O YAHUAH, among the people: and I will sing praises unto you among the nations. ~Tehilliym (Psalms) 108:3 את Cepher CREDITS Written, Arranged, Performed by YadahYah Featuring Josh
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Finally Friday! PRAISE ABBA YAH! It was a long week, but I give all praise to Yahuah for giving me the strength to press through and endure! Yes! All praises to ABBA YAHUAH . . . today and forever! Good day family! ❤️ #prepday #shabbatiscoming #weready


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Shalom dear Yasharal. Praying all is well with you and yours.

MATTITHYAHU 6:33 7: 1-16

33“But seek first the reign of Elohim
and His righteousness and all these
matters shall be added to you.
34“Do not, then, worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow shall have its
own worries. Each day has enough evil
of itself.
7 “Do not judge, lest you be judged.
2“For with what judgment you judge,
you shall be judged. And with the same
measure you use, it shall be measured
to you.
3“And why do you look at the splinter
in your brother’s eye, but do not notice
the plank in your own eye?
4“Or how is it that you say to your
brother, ‘Let me remove the splinter out
of your eye,’ and see,
a plank is in your own eye?
5“Hypocrite! First remove the plank
from your own eye and then you shall
see clearly to remove the splinter out of
your brother’s eye.
6“Do not give what is set-apart to the
dogs, nor throw your pearls before the
pigs, lest they trample them under their
feet and turn and tear you in pieces.
7“Ask and it shall be given to you,
seek and you shall find, knock and it
shall be opened to you.
8“For everyone who asks receives
and he who seeks finds and to him who
knocks it shall be opened.
9“Or is there a man among you who,
if his son asks for bread, shall give him
a stone?
10“Or if he asks for a fish, shall he give
him a snake?
11“If you then, being wicked, know
how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more shall your Father who
is in the heavens give what is good to
those who ask Him!
12“Therefore, whatever you wish men
to do to you, do also to them, for this is
the Torah and the Prophets.
13“Enter in through the narrow gate!
Because the gate is wide – and the way
is broad – that leads to destruction and
there are many who enter in through it.
14“Because the gate is narrow and the
way is hard pressed which leads to life
and there are few who find it.
15“But beware of the false prophets
who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly they are savage wolves.
16“By their fruits you shall know them.

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Think Thursdays- Mind and spirit care what spirit are you operating in today? Is it the Holy Spirit or is it a worn out spirit?
Repost… Original post was MARCH 17, 2022
Much Love Majxsty


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Braeden H changed his profile picture
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