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Judah Knight game trailer
Still Unreleased but I decided to share with the family before official release

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But let all those that put their trust in You rejoice:
let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them:
let them also that love your name be joyful in You.
For You, Yahuah, will bless the righteous; with favor will You compass him as with a shield.
Tehilliym (Psalms) 5:10-11
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It's [PAST] time to get the SUGAR out of our diets - and I am NOT speaking of the CANE!! It's [PAST] time to ELIMINATE THINGS AND THOSE who are putting sugar IN your diet through APPEASEMENT, TICKLED EARS, WITHH0LDING KN0WN REVELATI0N, WANTING TO BE LIKED, or PR0TECT FEELINGS. That is NOT the season we are in. We are in END-TIME WAR, and many are STILL PUSSYF00TING around what is UNDENIABLY taking place. Those who C00OSE to deny, ignore, or DON'T WANT TO see the REALITY of the war will be the W0RST CASUALTIES of the war. AND IT IS SO!

SELECTIVE 0bedience is DISOBEDIENCE... SELECTIVE Belief is DISBELIEF... We are in a time of ALL OR NOTHING... YES 0R N0... No longer will it be "WINKED AT" when we righteously condemn the paganism of the [major] holi-days on the MAN-MADE calendar, yet JUSTIFY the W0RSHIP AND CELEBRATI0N of [holi]days that promote GLUTT0NY, SELF & PEDESTALS, and GREED! No longer will it be "WINKED AT" when we stand flat-footed behind a KEYB0ARD, on the SIDELINES, or against STRANGERS, yet C0WER D0WN from WHAT WE KN0W IS TRUE, to the C0NTR0L, SPINELESSNESS, DECEPTI0N, MANIPULATI0N, and DESIRES OF US from FAMILY, FRIENDS, and L0VED 0NES. Choose ye this day - and 0WN IT!!

The window is closing QUICKLY! Yes, many ARE and HAVE embraced the TRUTH of the DARK HIST0RY and EXP0SED UT0PIA of this nation - and WORLD. However, simply REBRANDING THE 0UTSIDE with a NEW NAME, FRINGES, WRAPS, TITLES, NATURALS, and the MEM0RIZATI0N AND USE OF P0PULAR, ANCIENT PHRASES does not mean the HEART and INWARD PARTS have surrendered to the WILL, WALK, AND WAY of The Most High!!! Even WITCHES AND WARL0CKS wear SCARVES & H00DS, and REPEAT CLICHÉS, so what is Y0UR distinguishing "sound"???

Yes, Mercy IN ITSELF endures forever. Grace IN ITSELF lasts long. Life IN ITSELF is everlasting. However, OUR INDIVIDUAL portions and measures are LIMITED. We have cups that RUN 0UT. We have predestined LIFE SPANS - and even those are SOMETIMES cut short by our FREEWILL DECISI0NS, STUPIDITY, AND ACTI0NS... Yah IS Love, but He is also 0RDER, C0NSEQUENCES, 0BEDIENCE, and JUDGMENT. Don't say that you didn't know... ~KD

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Shalom Family!

I am looking for some instrumental music, such as the Sh'ma Pray. If you can provide that song please let me know. Stay Blessed, Family!

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For you are my lamp, O Yahuah: and Yahuah will lighten my darkness.
Shemu'el Sheniy (2 Samuel) 22:29
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Shalom Family,
If you missed today's Shabbat Gathering, check out the replay here!

RCC - Salvation Through Preparation Pt.18 " A Remedy For The Spirit of Offense" #god #love #ahayah - YouTube

RCC - Salvation Through Preparation Pt.18 " A Remedy For The Spirit of Offense" #god #love #ahayah - YouTube

A Hebraic community ministry organization located in Charlotte NC. For more information email
Yahwo El changed his profile picture
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