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We have to pray for our people. This is sickening.

Chicago Reaches Highest Level of Homicides Since 1996, With 80 Percent of the Victims Being Black

A city that already gets an unfair rep for being known more as violent than anything else just reached a disturbing milestone. In 2021, Chicago went through one of its deadliest years in the last quarter-century. The medical examiner’s office

In my post I will be posting things to challenge myself and others to do right by YHWH.
Revelation 3:15-17
[15]I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
[16]So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
[17]Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

We all are born in sin and will sin because our hearts are sinful and full of pride. We cannot call ourselves Hebrew Israelites and practice Christian ways. Bend the laws to be comfortable to our wants and needs. Take inventory on your worship. And who you are worshiping! Did Yahshua say to praise him? NO he said to praise the Father over all things.

Luke 4:8
[8]And Yahshua answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship YHWH thy ELOHIM, and him only shalt thou serve.

3 yrs - Translate

Your OFFICIAL Drop off location. Wig Exchange donation program. #wigexchange #ebeauty #cancerawareness #alopecia #hairloss #nspiyah


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N'Spiyah's chemical free hand made soy scented candles. #nspiyahserenity #sashcowrap #soy #candles

Nspiyah added new photos to N'Spiyah Serenity
3 yrs - Translate

N'Spiyah's chemical free hand made soy scented candles. #nspiyahserenity #sashcowrap #soy #candles | Biblical Hebrew Awakening | Biblical Hebrew Awakening is a Social Networking Platform where users can share posts, photos, videos, news and stories related to their Hebrew Israelite experience and culture. is your number one online multimedia sharing platform for Me
Nspiyah changed her profile picture
3 yrs

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Just as the Most High made a distinction between good and evil, light and darkness, Israel and the other nations, He has also given us revelation to help us identify the symbols of the colonizing nations controlled by the seed of Esau. It is time to identify the true enemies of the kingdom.

3 yrs - Translate

Great Awakening International Quarterly Fasting and Prayer consecration starts January 3 thru 7. Fasting is from 60am to 60pm daily. Daniel Diet, Water Only, or Dry Fast is recommended. We will meet on zoom Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7pm eastern standard time on Zoom. ZOOM Meeting ID: 436 916 7031. No password is needed. On the last day of prayer (Friday) there will be a celebration with Praises and Worship provided by Moreh Rico Seay followed by special presentations from Henry Davis and the Finance Team & Moreh Boddy on behalf of Ancient Path Preppers (APP). Prayer focus for Monday (Repentance) Tuesday (Forgiveness) Wednesday (Breaking of strongholds) Thursday (Thanksgiving).

Kristen Angevine changed her profile picture
3 yrs
