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#igiveyoupraise #playlist 🙌🏾 Let us praise YAH according to his excellent greatness! https://www.yadahyah.com/post/....i-give-you-praise-pl



SAVED FROM WHAT?! Ephesians 2:8 Explained “By Grace you are saved…” Revealed! - YouTube

SAVED FROM WHAT?! Ephesians 2:8 Explained “By Grace you are saved…” Revealed! - YouTube

20 小时 - 翻译

Wellness Wednesdays Jeremiah 33:6
Much Love Majxsty

Wellness Wednesdays – MUSIC MESSAGE MINISTRY

Wellness Wednesdays – MUSIC MESSAGE MINISTRY

Jeremiah 33:6 KJV 6 Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. HOW TO BUILD AN ADRENAL COCKTAIL Your adrenal glands are endocrine glands located on top of your
21 小时 - 翻译

⚠️📢 Next ️ week, PESACH SHENI (the 'Second Passover' will be upon us. Oh, YOU DIDN'T KNOW?? Did you not yet study for Y0URSELF - and/or did your LEADER not tell you?? 🤔 Pesach Sheni occurs ABOUT A MONTH after the first Pesach It's a day YAH set aside ONLY for those of us (HIS SET-APART PEOPLE) who were unable to celebrate the FIRST/REAL Pesach, for reasons found in NUM. (BEMIDBAR) 9:9-14, and 2 CHRON. (DIVREI HAYAMIYM SHENIY) 30. Passover is SO IMP0RTANT to Yah that He gives us a "SECOND CHANCE" to honor it 👀... 

"WHY do you mention this, KD", you ask? Because of the ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ He gave, and is NOW time to release... The PIVOTAL, OPEN WINDOW OF REPENTANT OPPORTUNITY we have (for now), the WICKEDNESS in the hearts of Men, and the UNDENIABLE SIGNS of the times are PRELUDES. He has REPEATEDLY AND URGENTLY warned us to get our "HOUSES" [[I.E. Homes, Families, Spiritual Posture, Priorities, Resource Stewardship, etc... anything that bears "fruit"]] IN ORDER. Why the "verilies"? Because many of us THINK we have endless time... our titles, labels or ranks will somehow EXEMPT us... or simply DON'T CARE!! Freewill. 

A time of SEVEN-FOLD ERADICATI0N and EXTERMINATI0N is being released during this Peaach Sheni, due to REBELLION AND HARDNESS OF HEART -- and only the PURELY IGN0RANT [[those with NO knowledge, who've NEVER HEARD OR EXPERIENCED Him]] will be spared! Those with EYES TO SEE and EARS TO HEAR, take heed. We will NOT be able to say that we did NOT know...

People who are “here” after SECOND PASSOVER, at end of May, are the people who will REAP THE BENEFITS OF JUNE. Those who are not are going to be CURSED in June, and forthcoming. Moving forward, you will either BEAR DRUIT, or you will BEAR NOTHING. … He's coming; He is coming SWIFTLY. He’s coming, like a THIEF IN THE NIGHT. He is going to KILL, DESTROY, AND ERADICATE all of whom have come against His people - and in His name - and who mock Him and CONTINUOUSLY LAUGH in the face of His KINGDOM children. His KINGDOM children will be UPHELD and shall RISE UP among the Men and shall be made PILLARS, as their enemies DECOMPOSE into the soil underneath them… 

It will begin a time of VISITATION with terrible CONSTERNATIONS ... ... "TURNING OVERS"...  our MAN-MADE ID0LS [I.E., 'pedestals' of Jobs, Spouses, Children, Wealth, Possessions, Self, Traditions/Cultures, Titles, Allegiances, the Temporal and Outer Appearances, etc.] will be DETHR0NED or ELIMINATED ALTOGETHER... the necessary PRUNING of dead weight and rotten fruit IN THE KINGDOM... some things you have TODAY will be gone THE NEXT... some people you see TODAY will be SUDDENLY 'no more'.... **DON'T GET IN THE WAY, OR YOU WILL REAP THEIR FATE!!** ~KD 

1 d - Youtube

YAH\s Way Is Perfect

1 d - 翻译


Everything To Me - YadahYah

Everything To Me - YadahYah

⁣As for El, his way is perfect: the word of Yahuah is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.~Tehilliym/Psalms 18:30, Shemuel Sheniy/2 Samuel 22:31 את Cepher CREDITS Written, Arranged, Performed by Yad
1 d - 翻译

Exchange your wants for YAH's will. Surrender and live.
🤲🏾 ABBA YAH, interrupt my life! 🤲🏾 May you be glorified Most High!
